Gao, P. Wang*, F. Zhang*, G. Martinez, P. Nellist, X. Pan, A. Kirkland, “Electron ptychographic microscopy for three-dimensional imaging”, Nature Commun, 8:163 (2017), DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-00150-1.
Electron ptychographic microscopy for
three-dimensional imaging
Knowing the three-dimensional structural information of materials at the nanometer scale
is essential to understanding complex material properties. Electron tomography retrieves
three-dimensional structural information using a tilt series of two-dimensional images. In this
paper, we report an alternative combination of electron ptychography with the inverse
multislice method. We demonstrate depth sectioning of a nanostructured material into
slices with 0.34 nm lateral resolution and with a corresponding depth resolution of
about 24–30 nm. This three-dimensional imaging method has potential applications for the
three-dimensional structure determination of a range of objects, ranging from inorganic
nanostructures to biological macromolecules.